Machine Learning for Venture Capital

Should I allow life to unfold without force or shape the life I want?

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In the week 35 (2022) edition of the 3-2-1 Thursday newsletter, James ends the letter by asking:

Sometimes it benefits us to be passive: to allow life to come to us and unfold without force. Other times it benefits us to be aggressive: to bend the world to our will and actively shape the life we want. Are you being too passive or too aggressive right now?

I'm dubious if it ever benefits us to be passive, would love have an example on when that would make sense. One situation that I can think of is getting taking opportunities that unfold in front of you, but even then I'd have to be aggressive and take the opportunity. In general, I try to shape the life I want. To be "aggressive" in the sense of planning out what to do with myself over a reasonable time going forward. I try to never be passive.

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