Machine Learning for Venture Capital

Answering James Clear

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I finished James Clear's Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones about 16 months ago, as a put down in my Goodreads profile (Thanks for showing me Goodreads, Alec šŸ™‚). The book itself is filled with practical tips which - unfortunately - leaves little room for explanation of the scientific basis behind the tips. Nevertheless, readerā€™s of James' texts find them incredibly helpful, as indicated by the rating of the book.

Jamesā€™ name got stuck to my brain. When I came across his weekly newsletter "3-2-1 Thursday", I thought it might be worth a try. Here's the website where you subscribe, I have no affiliation to James Clear, just find the newsletter concise and thought-provoking and recommend you have a look. It won't hurt to try it out.

In all transparency, I havenā€™t been consistent in reading the newsletter since I subscribed, even though I enjoy the posts when I eventually read them. In particular, I enjoy the questions that are given at the end of the newsletter.

I therefore thought, I might as well use the freedom of my own blog to answer the newsletter questions here. This brings the benefit of

  1. Consistency. Unfortunately, the weekly, external schedule itself didnā€™t make me read it. However, if I have the external schedule + the posts themselves make content for my blog, I hypothesise that it can give me the right push to read and ponder upon the questions regularly
  2. Value for me = potential value for others. If I find it interesting, why not share it with others?

In the week 33 edition, 2022, James ends the letter by asking:

Here's a simple question to ask before jumping into "all the work" you have to do: What will happen if I don't do this?

I follow up on this question in my next post, here's the link to that.

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