Machine Learning for Venture Capital


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Discipline is, to me, the ability to accomplish what one sets out to do during a reasonable time interval in the future.

For example, the ability to plan to read a book tomorrow evening, and to accomplish the task (or an adequate sub-task) during the set-out time period.

I would argue that there are two types of discipline:

  1. Internal discipline, that is discipline that you channel by yourself while not being pressured by direct, external pressure. For example, to read a book for one’s own sake, or
  2. Pressurized discipline, that is discipline that is channeled because of external pressure. The external pressure in this case can come from, for instance, your manager or parent

Many high performing individuals can channel pressurized discipline. Venture capitalists are great at doing competitive analysis at command from their manager; Runners run the intervals when their trainer tells them to; Investment banking analysts are great at building buyout models at command.

Entrepreneurs are a great example of a type of people that are able to channel internal discipline. They have the ability to envision an organisation or product larger than themselves and to channel the internal discipline to work towards that vision.

I would argue that many, however, lack in their ability to channel internal discipline. That hinders them from being great, instead of just good.

Some final thoughts:

  • Is there any link between internal / pressurized discipline and mental health? I would hypothesise that working on a task channeled by internal discipline would take less of a toll on your mental health
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